What Makes Dr.Feroz Khan Different from all other Hair Transplant Teams in India.
Dr.Feroz Khan, graduated in the faculty of medicine and surgery from the Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Continued his higher education in the field of hair transplant and got certified from University of Greifswald, Germany. Did post graduation, in skin / dermal cosmetology, from Medversity, India. Studied and got certified from Rush University’s Rush Presbyterians St Luke’s Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Remained in United States for two decades. Apart from working and serving the citizens of United States of America, he was active in scientific research and development, attending conferences and seminars etc. Due to his extensive knowledge, scientific research, curiosity in the hair restoration techniques around the globe he has been regarded as Pioneer in Fue Hair Restoration technique. His artistic and skillful hands have revolutionized Follicular Unit Extraction and Implantation. Giving the implanted hair the correct direction and angulations is his specialty. His patient’s results speak for themselves with proven success.
The artistic proficiency of Dr.Feroz Khan has made lot of celebrities and high profile distinguished individuals from the communities around the world got their Fue transplants done under the skillful hands of Dr.Feroz Khan and his team.
Year after year Dr.Feroz Khan’s artistic skill along with his knowledge and expertise and record of 100% success in Fue Hair Transplant Surgery, has attracted people from all over the world.
Dr.Feroz Khan informs his patients before hand, what to expect and different available options for his / her condition. In some exceptional cases Dr.Feroz Khan explains his patient that the condition is not operable, in other words he guides his patient as to what will be the best suited option in interest of his patients.
It is worth mentioning that Darling Roots
Hair Restoration centre is not a commercial one. We at Darling Roots are very much result oriented and perform only limited number of surgeries per month, in order to focus all of our attention only to limited number of clients, hence our clients are more satisfied and thankful to Dr.Feroz Khan.